Liberia National Non-Partisan Voters Education and Awareness Campaign
Liberia National Non-Partisan Voters Education and Awareness Campaign
The LEAD Organizing For Liberia wants to thank you for your leadership in combating deceptive voting practices across Liberia. In the aftermath of the 2005 General Elections and the 2009 by-election debacle, we are launching the LEAD Organizing For Liberia “Voters Education and Awareness Campaign,” a nonpartisan voter education and empowerment effort that will provide comprehensive field election awareness programs across Liberia. In addition, we are calling upon the Liberian Election Commission to introduce the Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act to the Liberian Legislature with the aim of ensuring that all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process.
Our election experience in the last several cycles has confirmed an unfortunate reality; deceptive practices - false information designed to mislead voters about the time, place, and manner of elections has become some of the many problems that the Liberian Election Commission faces today. Historically, voters who are deliberately provided misinformation about when, where or how to vote or about voter registration requirements do not have adequate legal recourse and may develop cynicism about the process. It is the Liberian Election Commission responsibility to adapt accordingly thereby combating these practices and minimizing the effect of partisan tricks in the elections process. We have the opportunity to use field operations and news media to combat those deceptive tactics thereby making sure correct information is clearly identified, consistent and widely accessible to voters across Liberia. Also, when these activities happen, voters should also be informed of correct information through sources they trust.
We are digging our way out of a hole dug by several years of insufficient attention to voting rights enforcement in different administration. Over the last decade, thousands of Liberians have been disenfranchised by a shortage of resources, administrative snafus, the misinterpretation of voting laws and political operatives who tried to game the system. That's thousands of votes not cast, thousands of Liberians denied a voice. Lawmakers from all political parties must improve the process before the same unnecessary outcome affects voters in the next election cycle. Action should be taken early to address the problems voters faced in 2005 General Elections and the November 10, 2009…Senatorial By-Election debacle and provide the needed resources and relieve to Liberia dedicated election officials.
The tasks ahead are great but the benefits are even greater. Our mission is to work with Liberia Election Officials; conduct strategic legal voter education field programs and provide live, real-time national VOTER hotline assistance on voting rules, regulations, locations, etc. The LEAD Organizing For Liberia wants to provide eligible voters with the tools they need to cast a ballot that counts in Liberia 2011 General Elections through our “Voters Education and Awareness Campaign” a nonpartisan voter education and empowerment effort with the goal of establishing a national VOTER hotline and comprehensive field election awareness programs that work in conjunction with the Liberian Election Commission.
Today, voters across Liberia still have to navigate through deliberate attempts by political operatives to confuse, deceive, and intimidate them as they try to vote. LEAD Organizing For Liberia is asking the Liberian Election Commission to introduce the Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act to the Liberian Legislature, with the aim of prosecuting whoever, within 60 days before an election, knowingly communicates election-related information about Liberia election, knowing that information to be false, with the intent to prevent another person from exercising the right to vote in that election, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 6 years, or both.
Examples of Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation (the time, place, or manner of conducting the election; the qualifications for or restrictions on voter eligibility for the election, including--any criminal penalties associated with voting in the election or information regarding a voter’s registration status or eligibility. Consequently, this will not only prevent these practices under Liberian law, but will provide the necessary administrative remedies to ensure quick dissemination of correct information to the public. To be continued…..
Thank you and May God bless the Republic of Liberia.
LEAD Organizing For Liberia
Abraham Hoff, Chief Community Organizer